global change

MedECIN: the Mediterranean-Type Ecosystem Change Intercomparison Network.

While compiling the content on Mediterranean-type ecosystems (MTEs) for the IPCC AR6 WGII Chapter 2 on Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems and their Services, it became apparent that a collaboratively coordinated long-term research agenda for intercontinental comparisons of the response of Mediterranean-type plant communities to global change is needed.

To address this gap, we have acquired seed funding and have started building a coordinated network of researchers from across the five MTEs (California USA, Central Chile, SW Australia, Mediterranean Basin, and the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa). We envisage that collaboration within MedECIN will consist of (inter alia): horizon scanning, conceptual development of research questions, standardising data collection protocols, field data collection, and open-access sharing of data and code. Combining and comparing long-term vegetation datasets will support cross-site and multi-member network research, while also guiding creation of new datasets. Our approach is focused on (but not limited to) early career researchers with a focus on MTEs, to foster education and training of a new generation of researchers.

For more details, contact Jasper or Hana.